Saturday, September 20, 2014

Let me esplain...

Call me Nathan.

If you got that reference you may just love this blog. If you didn't you still may love it because I will also be highlighting some of my favorite foods. If you don't like food then we can't be friends but you can still stalk my blog and leave disparaging comments about my attempts to share two things that I love, in an unconventional way. But if you do, let it be known here that the cosmic forces of karma will untie your shoelaces at very inopportune times and may just result in you tripping into a trash compactor. Not very likely but do you really want to take that chance just to be snarky.

I love to read. My literary interests include everything from humor, the outdoors, the 19th century, sports, religion, suspense, and humorous 19th century suspenseful religious outdoor sports. One thing that I have found as I read is that food invariably comes into the story at some point. Descriptions of feasts, snacks, and picnics get my mouth a watering. I figure if reading makes me hungry some of you may feel the same. Or you may think I am a deranged lunatic, which is possible but if lunatics can enjoy delicious food than lace up the straight jacket.

I hope you enjoy this literary-culinary adventure. If not watch your shoelaces...  


  1. Cool blog brother, I want to see some Patrick inspired fair.

  2. Hey. No time to esplain. Better sum up.
