Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Science is so cool!!

Kevin Delaney Does Science! on Make A Gif
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My dad used to work at a facility where they used liquid nitrogen on a fairly regular basis. I remember him freezing a spider once. I was fascinated by that. I have always wanted to "play" with the stuff since then but nothing has made me want my own bottle as bad as watching science expert Kevin Delaney, make a cloud on the Jimmy Fallon show. The full video is awesome if you are into cool science tricks (which I obviously am) check it out below. You know, if I was better at math I think being a science expert would have been a really awesome career choice. Of course it's not all making clouds and floating tinfoil boats on tanks of sulfur hexaflouride. For someone who grew up watching Bill Nye and even some of the later Mr. Wizard shows this is awesome. 

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