Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Breathing deep and burning fat??? Can I cut out the exercise then?

Triglyceride Molecule aka FAT

Recently I heard a theory that made me hopeful. I checked it out and the Mayo Clinic agrees so there you have it. The theory says that fat is made of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. Breaking fats down is a chemical process which reduces these elements to a gaseous state. No, I'm not talking about THAT gas. Stand Down all you potty joke people! The theory also states that the carbon dioxide your body exhales contains a portion of what used to be fat in your body. Breathing out rids the body of fat? Ive gotta try this.


OK, so I've got some work to do. Apparently you have to have a caloric deficit for this to work really well. I Should probably look to a professional for some proper technique.

Or try this helpful 'How To' on the benefits of adding more oxygen to your fat burning process through Oxycise. 
Watch out for Grandma she's got this down. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and Crock Pot Chocolate Lava Cake. Okay!!

You'll find that my taste in literature runs pretty wide and deep. I like 18th century British novels, 1980's newspaper comics, 6th grade coming of age stories and etc, etc, you get the picture. I like to read and if I find it entertaining, enlightening, humorous or nostalgic, I'll like it and recommend it.

I make no apologies about this, I just want to explain that yes I like Moby Dick but I also like children's books. I recommended O. Henry but one of these days I will recommend a Calvin and Hobbes collection. If you have never read Patrick McManus you are in for a real treat, outdoor humor may not be your thing but he may just make you reconsider.

For anyone who has had a younger sibling Judy Blume does a nice job of capturing the feelings of the experience. Every older sibling I know comes to the realization, sooner or later, that their younger siblings have some redeeming qualities and are not actively attempting to ruin the older sibling's life. It may not be until their late 20's but at some point, mother's prediction that "one day you will be great friends and actually love and miss each other" will actually come true.

"Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" is a great book which provides a very human and humorous look at the life of Fourth grader Peter Hatcher and his younger brother "Fudge." Yes, Fudge acts the typical two year old "godzilla" of a younger brother but when push comes to shove Peter actually loves the little pest.

This is a great one to read with kids of all ages, especially when you get to the part about the Chocolate cake and your tummy starts rumbling....

First, I want to make it perfectly clear that I did not take this photo. It came from the delicious blog, where I got the recipe for this week's book inspired treat. The reason you don't see a beautiful picture of the cake I made is that we ate it before we could get a picture.

My beautiful bride and I were busy with responsibilities for our congregation's Halloween party. I made the cake for the crock pot/dutch oven cook-off but it wasn't done on time so we had to take it home. It is a good thing we didn't have a gallon of vanilla ice cream because I'm pretty sure I would have descended into chocolate depravity. When the recipe calls for a chocolate cake mix, a box of chocolate pudding, and a 12 oz. bag of milk chocolate chips its a wonder we didn't attract all the emotionally disconsolate females within a five mile radius of our house. Its hard to eat more than a serving or two but I gave it the old college try. THIS. IS. RICH. and delicious so grab a scoop of your favorite ala mode and dig in to the gooey, decadence which is:

Crock Pot Chocolate Lava Cake.(as found at

Time: 15 min. prep + 2 1/2 hours cooking
Yield: 12 servings
Recipe from Betty Crocker
1 box chocolate cake mix
1 1/4 C milk
1/2 C vegetable or canola oil
3 eggs
1 (3.9 ounce) instant chocolate pudding
2 C milk (I used 1 %)
1 (12 ounce) bag milk chocolate chips
parchment paper

1. Grab a 3-4 quart crock pot and line it with parchment paper. Spray the inside of the paper with cooking spray. The parchment paper helps the cake cook without burning along the edges. You can make it without the paper, just be sure to watch it closely.
2. Find yourself a nice chocolate cake mix and pour it into your stand mixer or medium-sized mixing bowl.
3. Add 1 1/4 cup milk, 1/2 cup oil and 3 eggs. Beat on low-speed for 1 minutes. Scrape the bottom of the bowl and beat on medium speed for 2-3 minutes or until the batter in nice and glossy.4. Pour the batter into the lined crock pot.
5. Pour one small box of chocolate pudding into your stand mixer or medium-sized mixing bowl. Add 2 cups cold milk and beat it until the pudding thickens. Should take about 3-4 minutes.6. Pour the pudding over the top of the cake batter. Don't stir it. Really, cross my heart and hope to die. It will cook up best if you leave the layers be.
7. Grab a bag of milk chocolate chips and pour the pretty little things all over the top of the pudding. Again, please do not stir it.
8. Cover the crock and cook on low for 2 1/2 hours, or until the top of the cake is set. The bottom layer of the cake will be all gooey and soft. Yum.
9. Place some on a plate and add a  cool scoop of ice cream or whipped cream right on top.